A Road Less Traveled

Here is where we stop. Here is where we listen.

The Mysterious Death of Nancy Baugh and Paul Featherman

Nancy Baugh and Paul Featherman should have had everything. Until their lives were horrifically ended in June of 1979. It’s been decades and their murders are still unsolved.

Where Is Peter Boy Kema?

Jumping into this new case, we’re going to learn that the world is cruel. It’s harsh and sometimes justice comes at a massive cost, and sometimes it’s completely underserved. In the case of seven-year-old Peter Boy Kema, justice never really came. The case itself is horrific, and I would suggest before going any farther if…

Lisa Au: Still Unsolved Hawaii Cold Case

Lisa Au was a young woman, only 19 years old, in 1982. On the day of her disappearance, she had been leaving her job with hopes of meeting up with her boyfriend for the night. Unfortunately for Lisa, that would be her last shift. After calling it quits for the evening, Lisa was never seen…

Diane Suzuki | Honolulu Unsolved Missing Person

Much like the rest of the United States between the 1960s and the 2000s, Hawaii experienced its own spike in violent crime. A wave that washed over the country, leaving people learning the hard way why it’s far better to lock your doors at night. Or any time when you stop and think about it.…

Massie Murder Trial Part 2 | Zero consequences served

So in our last piece, we spoke about the lead-up to the actual Massie Affair, although that seems like a very relaxed way to put what took place. An ‘affair’ makes it sound so trivial when in all reality this was a biased case fueled by lies, racism, and classism. On September 13th, five men…

Thalia Massie Murder Trial Part 1 | The Massie Case

Hawaii is a place that is full of turbulent history, especially in the last century. The Islands were ‘discovered’, a loose term indeed, by one Captain Cook in the eighteenth century. The Native people were nearly wiped out by disease, and in the early nineteenth century was annexed by the United States. The Hawaiin royal…

Morgan’s Corner Murder | Therese Wilder

Morgan’s corner is a sharp S curved located on the Nuu’ann Pali drive that will take you straight to the lookout of the same name. The name of this curve came from a man that lived right on the curve by the name of Dr. James Morgan. He was a resident of this particular curve…

Orlando Ganal Sr | 1991 Mass Killing In Honolulu

Most people couldn’t fathom how they would react if the person they were married to or had children with began flaunting a new relationship. Most people like to think they would merely be heartbroken, that they would cut losses and leave. Very few ever look at violence as an option. They would rather let go…

Honolulu Strangler | Hawaii’s First Serial Killer

When thoughts of Hawaii come to mind, it’s a beautiful, tropic getaway. A place where Elvis made too many movies. Full of beaches, and adventure for those that are from the continental states. There are things about Hawaii that have come to light in the modern years of the internet and reality television. There is…

Xerox Murders | Honolulu’s Worst Mass Murder

We now have the unfortunate luck of living in an age where ‘active shooter situations are common. I mean, just look at the news over the last couple of weeks alone. Not even a pandemic is enough to slow down the roll of large-scale violence. However, in 1999 that didn’t seem to be the case.…


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